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Day 50: Little Improvements and Growing Community Support

Mike has begun to move his lips and make some grunting sounds! While fully regaining speech skills is unlikely (or a very long ways off) this is such a huge development. We are hoping that he will make it to Level 3 and Craig Hospital will change their "no" answer to a "yes." They hesitate to accept traumatic brain injury patients that don't 'show enough promise of rehabilitation.

He seems to focus on squeezing the sponges they give him, so today I bought him a squishy blue dinosaur and some putty to hold while I'm working remotely from his room. This also keeps him from reaching up to pull out his trach.

I continue to stand on the corner of Bannock and Speer every morning at rush hour in hopes that more witnesses will come forward and we can get a clear picture of what happened to our Mike. Friends and strangers have been joining me, and that outpouring of love means everything.

We love you Mike. Keep fighting.

1 Comment

Feb 01, 2023

Keep fighting Mike!! You have a lot of support and Love ❤️ behind you!!

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